Successful detoxing – Is it necessary and how is it done

Most of us feel ‘toxic’ at some time or other and chances are, due to the vast number of chemicals we ingest, breath and slather on ourselves on a daily basis, we are. Throw in sluggish elimination and physical inactivity and our bodies resemble a toxic waste dump. So is there a need to take things in to our own hands and ‘detox’? There is debate amongst different sectors of healthcare. This Naturopath says YES! Early man was not exposed to the bevvy of man-made chemicals that we are today.  He ate a simple, wholefood diet; was active and therefore was able to detoxify organic toxins from his system efficiently. Modern man needs help. There is a great degree of variability in the level and subsequent symptoms of toxicity, largely due to genetic factors, exposure levels and lifestyle habits. However, common symptoms include headache, fatigue, difficulty with weight loss, chronic degenerative diseases and generalized pain. It has been shown that poor liver functioning is assocaited with reduced cognitive functioning, and that metabolic by-products that are not efficiently eliminated can lead to poor cell signaling.  In other words, the body is not functioning optimally.

A proper detoxification program will aim to support cellular functioning, improve the liver’s ability to filter waste, stimulate the excretion of toxins through the kidneys, bowel, and skin, support gut repair, and improve neuroendocrine balance.  This is no simple task, and probably best monitored by a specialist (ie a Naturopath, Wholistic Nutritionist).  In cases where heavy metal toxicity is present, there can be a whole host of issues when considering a detox.  For example, mercury preferentially disables the body’s natural detoxification abilities.  However, in general, a detox will include methods to increase all of the excretory pathways through increased bowel movements, urination and sweating; boost filtering mechanisms by increasing production and output of bile and liver enzymes; and support the body’s detoxification pathways at the cellular level. 

Of course there are less technical steps in a detox program that don’t require vast knowledge of biochemistry and systems biology.  For instance the list below will assist any person who is undertaking a detox effort:

-reduce the burden on the liver by eliminating consumption of alcohol, coffee, processed foods and animal products during the period.  Results are best with an oligoantigenic diet and/or short fast/calorie restriction diet (1-5 days) to initiate cleansing of the blood and lymph and reduce the oxidative stress within the cellular mitochondria.  Over a short period, the liver and intestines are provided with a valuable rest and will assist in rejuvenation of these organs.

-drink abundant plain, clean pure water.  Several cups of green tea per day can activate liver enzymes and provide valuable polyphenols.

-take a good quality probiotic supplement to reseed the intestinal environment and re-establish equilibrium.

-get adequate rest.

-increase activities that will induce sweating: cardiovascular exercise, infrared sauna.

-maintain frequent bowel movements: May require assistance from a natural herbal fibre supplement or natural stool softener.  Colon Hydrotherapy is an excellent adjunct to a detox because it assists in the elimination of cellular waste and reduces burden on the liver, particularly if there buildup in the colon. For tips see the article “The key tips to having a bowel movement every day”.

When choosing to undertake a detox program, take into consideration the timing. It should be done at a time of low stress, when you have the ability and patience to plan your meals and concentrate on healing the body.  Additionally, activities such as yoga and meditation can offer an adjunctive emotional detox.   And most importantly, seeking the help of a practitioner who specializes in detoxification will be invaluable in helping you decide on a detox diet or fast (which may include juicing), assist in addressing any nutritional deficiencies that may be present and assess the need for further therapy to reduce heavy metals from the system.  No two people are alike, and therefore no detox method is going to be right for every person.  Customization is key to a successful detox and requires the help of a professional.  It is important to reduce the risk of a healing crisis.

As a Herbalist/Naturopath, I spend an hour or more with each client in order to provide enough background to determine the best protocol.  In many cases, a custom herbal formula will provide a large portion of the program.  Colon hydrotherapy and nutritional supplements are often implemented to complete the detox.

Whatever your goals, regularly detoxifying the body will almost always lead to greater vitaity, improvement to nearly all chronic conditions and extend the lifespan.  In  chronic conditions, detoxification can take a long time, so it is essential to remain patient.

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The key tips to having a bowel movement every day

Much of our health and our immunity relies on the function of the large intestine or bowel.  When it is not in tip top shape, we suffer.  Unfortunately, the signs and symptoms are not always obvious or proportional to the possible health concers associated with ignoring the problem.  So how do we ensure that we are giving our digestive system our full attention?  Firstly, have a bowel movement every day if not more.  The human body is designed to excrete waste every time new food is consumed.  Smaller, more frequent bowel movements can signal an efficient use of the digestive system.  When the intervals between movements begins to extend past a day, stools tend to be harder, more difficult to pass, smellier and associated with more gas and bloating.  Those are all signs that something is not right. 

How can someone deal with infrequent bowel movements/constipation?  The following tips are an essential part of any lifestyle and should be included in one’s daily routine:

1.  2-3 L per day of pure, clean water

2.  Adequate fibre through consumption of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrains.

3.  Essentail Fatty Acids/Omega 3 – through consumption of fatty fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, sardines and anchovies.  A good fish oil supplement may be required in the absence of these foods.

4.  Probiotic/prebiotic bacteria – through a good quality supplement.  Sources such as yogurt are insufficient and may contain sugar which encourages growth of unhealthy bacteria.

5.  Exercise daily to promote muscle health and blood circulation.  A moderate effort is required to get the heart pumping. 

6.  Go immediately when the need arises.  Holding back on going to the washroom will interfere with the body’s intricate signalling system and ultimately deaden the urge.  

7.  Relax!  Spend some time unwinding everyday.  If you deal with stress in your job, marriage or homelife, find an outlet.  Activities such as yoga, running, reading or a hot bath can be ways to blow off steam and let the body focus on it’s function.

These 7 tips, combined with a good diet and plenty of sleep will encourage regular bowel habits.

Additionally, a series of Colon Hydrotherapy sessions will assist in clearing old, impacted waste, balance bacterial flora and boost muscle function.

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